Thursday, December 25, 2008

hey, i broke my record!

i posted more than 6 times this month!
haha, maybe this signals a change. i may actually end up making a habit of using this thing more!

hope everyone is having a good day, and i hope no one needs groceries cuz everything is closed.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

sometimes i want to bang my head against a wall

so last nights post was great, then the crying started.
she didnt want me to lay down, she didnt want me to put her in the wrap, she didnt want me to sit still.
until 11am.

yes ladies and gentlemen, i didnt get to go to sleep until 11 this morning.


this was by far the roughest night we have experienced and hopefully it was just from going out all day and being stressed by the holidays.

the biggest issue was how exhausted i was from running errands all day, if i had just stayed home i would have been fine to stay up all night dancing with her. but no, i had to be a stupid mommy and try to get too much done and boy did i pay for it.
after 5 hours of sleep today i feel much better and i have definitly been taking it easy because the kind of tired i felt last night is something i dont ever want to experience again. it was the kind of frustration that makes me start to understand how someone could resort to the desperate measure of letting their poor little baby cry in another room until they fell asleep.
not that i would ever be able to do that, i really couldnt, but i can see how someone could fall into that dark spiral. now i understand.

since her circadian rhythm is on the fritz, i may work on making some of the bread tonight and just go with the flow of being up all night.
hopefully she will tolerate the wrap better tonight, that is what killed me last night is having to just hold her and dance with her, she is HEAVY at 6 in the morning when you are dead tired and want to scream.

her diapers still havent shown up, they are probably not going to get her before christmas now, i was hoping to have them before having to go to my moms so she could be more comfortable. 
oh well, we'll make do.

love you lots
danielle and zoey

today was a good day

my sister came over and we spent the day together. it's nice to hang out with her, we have been growing much closer over the last year or so!
we went shopping for supplies for the bread i am making for everyone for christmas. even though i dont celebrate christmas, my family does and i always like an excuse to bake.
this year it is going to be divided equally between pumpkin and banana bread. it was close though between banana and zucchini, bananas only one out because there wasnt enough zucchini at the store to make 10 loaves.

i am wrapping them in really cute plaid fabric i found while i was out today, i dont think paper is a good wrapping tool and i can collect the pieces back or people can reuse them.
hopefully i will also have time to make my niece some mommy and baby elephants that i found a pattern for. i am going to use the same fabric that i am using to wrap the bread with.

Zoey is sleeping on my chest in her wrap right now, i love watching her sleep. i will miss this when its gone.

i ordered new diapers for Zoey and hopefully they will be here tomorrow, she has reached capacity on her old ones and i can hardly get them fastened.
i am already having to  box stuff up and put it away for the next little one, it makes me sad in a weird bittersweet way, she is growing well and is really healthy so that is great, but my little girl is growing up more every day and i cant help but think that it is going by too fast.

oh, i got craig an R2D2 fishtank for solstice, it is really cool. i am going to get some black moors for it tomorrow.

i'll put up pictures after christmas, its going to be a very busy next few days.
love you all
danielle and zoey!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

oh yeah, the joys

Zoey just fell back to sleep and left me now totally awake and unable to go back to sleep after a whopping 2 hours of sleep last night.

i have a feeling that she will not go back to sleep if i take her out of the wrap too so looks like i'm up for a while.

i know that very soon i will look back and miss these moments, right?

she is totally cute right now at least, all snuggly on my chest.

i can take a nap later.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

i have a clean kitchen!

And a happy sleeping baby! 
yeah, i rock! haha.

here are a few pictures for your optical enjoyment.

love you all!
danielle and zoey

thanks Aunt Sharon for making such a beautiful quilt!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Super mommy!

ok, yeah i have had a successful day today!
diapers are washed sorted and put away where they belong,
there is laundry in the washing machine and the other loads are sorted and ready to go in,
chicken and dumplings are on the stove and pot roast is in the crockpot,
spent less than $50 at the grocery store today and was actually able to get everything i needed without any baby freakouts.
our cold is at the tail end now so thats really awesome too.

i feel like i can actually get stuff done now with the MIL gone and my cold almost gone, i was really in a funk there for a while.

i'm back baby! watch out!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Yuck Yuck YUCK!!

So i got mild/moderate food poisoning late last night and let me tell you, it is no fun taking care of a fussy stuffed up baby when you feel like all your internal organs may come flying out of your mouth any second.
i finally feel well enough to have her in the wrap so she is more comfortable, but most of the day i had to have her in the vibro-bouncy chair thing. i hated having to put her in there for more than a few minutes, but i was too weak to hold her and too sick to have her lay on my tummy and she was too stuffed up to lay flat next to me in bed.
so into the chair and next to the bed she went.
we enjoyed a nice eucalyptus and peppermint steam bath today to help with her nose and my nausea, worked well for the time we were in there, but the hot water ran out after about an hour.

here are pictures!
love you all!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I don't update on here much 'cuz I don't think anyone reads it, but apparently I have a few readers, they just can't/don't comment on my posts. 

So sorry all for not updating more, I will be more vigilant, especially since Zoey is growing so fast!

I cant get my pictures off the memory card right now so I will have to put up new pictures later, but I will give a word update for now.

Zoey is 6 weeks old and doing great! not sure how much she weighs, but she is darn heavy I'll tell you that much.  I would estimate around 10lbs. which is awesome.  We call her our little "four-chin cookie" because she is so chubby!

She likes to have a schedule, which is hard for us because we are not "schedule people"!  she takes naps at the same time everyday and likes 10pm for bedtime and if we interrupt her or throw her off, we know it for the next hour!

She looks just like Craig and makes tons of his expressions, which is hilarious, because I have to say getting cut eye from a 6 week old baby because I popped her off the boob too soon makes me laugh hysterically.

Speaking of laughing, she laughs in her sleep all the time and it is too cool to watch her dream.

She has started smiling at us when we make funny faces or bounce around and I now find myself doing and saying things I never ever thought I would to make this little baby smile, its just too awesome!

Since it is getting a little colder here (60*f) she has started wearing more clothes, so I have started getting outfits for her, and she seems to be alright with this whole clothing thing.  She puts up with me dressing and undressing her for trips out, but she still spends most of her time in just her cloth dipees with whatever color cover I have picked for the day.  Although I am really fond of putting her in baby legs now with little socks and having her wear that for most of the day, it is just too darn cute!
If anyone would like to send her a present, baby legs come in about a million different patterns and colors and we really love them! **hint hint!**

I wear her in her moby wrap almost all the time and it seems to be helping me lose weight as i find myself moving around a lot more when she is strapped on me. I'm not sure how much i weigh though as i haven't weighed myself since i was 37 weeks pregnant, but my clothes are looser!

Nanny Helen (craig's mom) is down for the week to meet her granddaughter and go to psi seminars. so far its going well! Zoey and her get along great.

Time goes by so fast with a little baby in the house, life is fun and she turns more and more into a little person everyday, I love this!

So, I will work on getting the picture thing figured out and get some on here as soon as possible.

love you all!
danielle and zoey

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life is good!

i have been feeling really good since the birth, and i am so ready to get out of the house!
our first outing will most likely be to the chiropractor since my back and hips are still a little out.
here are a few pictures of us 3 days out, taken by barb our midwife.
love you all!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Zoey Irene Driscoll!!
Born on Oct. 30th at 9:18pm after 13 hours of labor at home, most of which was in the water, but she decided on the bed as her birth place.
6lbs. 6oz. 19 inches long
we are doing great getting to know each other and learning the ins and outs of being a mommy and a baby!

Me at Subway 6 days before giving birth
Daddy's first moments

Saturday, October 25, 2008

38 WEEKS?!?!!!

how the hell did that happen? i haven't been on here longer than i thought, time has slipped away lately between crazy insomnia inspired nesting and catnaps to recover. i haven't taken a belly picture in forever, always putting it off for tomorrow when i am going to clean the bedroom mirror. i guess i have to get my birth supplies all ready as well and the bed made up for the birth.
we got the liner for the birth pool today, so we can get that set up as well, so exciting and slightly unnerving all at once!
i feel like this baby is 10 pounds tonight, sometimes i hardly notice the belly, but tonight this little one is definitely making its presence known.
my pre-labor has gotten more intense over the last two weeks, making nights nearly impossible to sleep through and making me anxious for the real thing to start soon so i can be done with all this pressure and discomfort. though i know new issues will come with the next stage as well.

the last week has been spent de-flea-ing the cats, poor things... hadn't even thought about shawns cats bringing in the damned awful insects, but i guess its par for having cats. so now i feel bad because they had to get frontline because of how ruthless the little bastards were. 2 baths and lavender spray later, i hadn't even put a dent into the population, so it was time to bring out the big guns. i hate having to put poison on my little babies!

right now i am hoping not to go post-dates, but it changes day to day. sometimes i feel like it would be really nice to have the extra time (those are the more comfortable days) some days i want this baby out now, like in the next 5 minutes now (usually this thought is followed by an emergency chiropractor trip). today i feel like i would be ok to go to 40 weeks, but might kill someone if i go a day over, so right in between i guess.

yeah, thats it for now, maybe i'll clean my mirror tonight so i can take a picture.

Monday, September 15, 2008

say cats?

siobhan made an entry about her kitties and they happen to be in bags.
my cats LOVE bags of any kind and will hide in them to ambush anything that walks across their path.

unfortunately, this also means that at times i have found them in trash bags or if i go to the bathroom while putting away groceries they end up hanging out with the food, usually at the foods expense.

anyway, here are a few bag pictures for you!

here we see Elwood getting in on the bag fun while my cats are fighting.
Elwood is our friend Shawn's cat, he hated bags when he first got here.

but was slowly convinced that they are the BEST THING EVER!

Buster realized i had the camera out, what a ham.

Dougy here, angry about the lack of food in the bag.

this is Buster's baking dish, this is where you can find him 90% of the time.
I need to get him a bigger casserole dish.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

giving up convenient transportation

so today craig promised to give back the rental, its just so expensive and we really dont need a car much right now. we especially dont need a $1000 bill for a car worth $0.28.
so looks like i will be going back to shopping at the grocery store a block from my house and going to the farmers market once a week. (not a bad thing, i just got spoiled with being able to cruise down to the store whenever i wanted)

i think i am going to go to the farmers market today, although the one over here by my house is pretty small and lame. i wonder if the hillcrest one is better?

i now am unable to sleep at night, it seems i dont get any real sleep until after 6 am, and i got about 8,000 phone calls this morning starting at 9am. so i'm a little tired today.

maybe getting out and walking around will help, its worth a try.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

31 weeks, had a midwife appointment today

i am now getting a visit from the midwives every 2 weeks, seems like a lot, but its how they do it.
everything was good and normal, baby's heartbeat in the 140's, fundal height normal, bp good, weight good, pee good, baby movement good.

so yeah, baby is doing great, i feel ok, little low on energy still but that is normal.
still cant seem to keep the house clean, really need to get better at that.
made some diapers and got others in the mail, still need to sew LOTS before the baby comes.

here's some pictures, as usual, the box that the diapers came in was the biggest hit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Holy Crap!

so, we have an opening date!

September 9th at 2pm we will be opening the doors to FIVE TWO TATTOO SHOP!

it may still be a bit undone, but everything will be in place to tattoo!

i thought this day would never come. thank fucking god.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yay, i feel capable tonight!

so i have been having it rough with energy levels and motivation lately, and i am so proud of myself tonight!
i have
-moved the box springs out to the alley (very awkwardly)
-watered the lawn
-washed prefolds
-started cleaning house
-put my list up on the blog
-put up the link to my registry

and i didnt really get out of bed until 6 so thats all in like 2 hours!

hopefully i can get the house clean tonight, or at least get the kitchen clean and laundry done.
maybe move some shit into my sewing room so i am not cornered in by fabric in my office!

oh and i got some awesome fabric in the mail today, that always helps when i dont feel good!

Monday, September 1, 2008

diaper making and 30 weeks pregnant

i got about 15 diapers cut out and ready to sew up, starting sewing tonight.
i'm tired all the time right now, and i cant sleep when i do lay down. never understood that before i got pregnant.

i'll update with pictures and a better entry later.

Friday, August 29, 2008

fuck, so yeah....

i got the house clean, then i made it dirty all over again.
oh well, i have to just come to terms with the fact that my house will most likely never be in the state it was ever again. with the shop opening and the baby coming in 2 months, i doubt this place will ever be spotless again.

the floor is going well at the shop they got the whole lower level done now, next they have to clean off the whole upper deck and get that done. the tile guy should be doing his work soon, so its moving along ok, a little behind but not too bad.

here's some pictures

an 88 year old grandmother of 22 got her first tattoo today!
a little butterfly on her ankle!
she was a trooper, had no problem with it

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

maybe i can get some cleaning done today?

alas, the house has won in my struggle with it to keep it clean. it looks like a tornado launched through here right after an earth quake hit.

we switched the bedrooms last week, so i never fully recovered from that. 

this is what i want to get done today, lets see what happens!

dishes- unload and reload dishwasher (sounds easy, but trying to put glasses on a 5'10" shelf when you are 5' and 7 months pregnant is no easy feat)

clean counters

mop kitchen floor

put away everything on flat surfaces (desks, tables, etc...)

put away clean laundry

shine up bathroom 

mop bathroom floor

ok, wish me luck. i have until 11 tonight, we have a guest from out of town coming.

oh, and my midwife gave me one of those kick count cards, it has spots for how long it takes to get 10 movements from the baby, but they dont have a 3 second option, the first one is 10 minutes! i couldnt imagine only one movement a minute, this kid is on crack!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ok, i'm ready

i am finally ready to update again, i am 29 weeks pregnant now and things get a little stressful for me sometimes.

i am now nesting full on, so diaper covers are being made, diaper fabric is in the wash and patterns are all over every flat surface i have.
had a midwife appointment yesterday, went really well. bp is good, everything is normal, have no idea how much i weigh as i dont have a scale and she comes to me now. oh and i got my first stretch mark, its on my hip and its small, but its scary none the less.

baby is good, lodging its little butt up in my ribs all the time and pushing its little hard head into my bladder constantly. oh and the little hands in my hip bones, SO FUN!
but i really do feel good, i love being pregnant and knowing i am growing a little human. its a cool and bizarre feeling.

the shop is coming along, slow and steady. the floor is almost ready to go in, should be started within the next day or two. the tile should be starting this week and the finishing plumbing should be this weekend or so.
then it will be tattooable. maybe not finished all the way, but definitely tattooable.
but i am not getting my heart set on the deadlines too much, i know it could take longer.

here's some pictures of my life this last month, not much but its what i've got.