we got the liner for the birth pool today, so we can get that set up as well, so exciting and slightly unnerving all at once!
i feel like this baby is 10 pounds tonight, sometimes i hardly notice the belly, but tonight this little one is definitely making its presence known.
my pre-labor has gotten more intense over the last two weeks, making nights nearly impossible to sleep through and making me anxious for the real thing to start soon so i can be done with all this pressure and discomfort. though i know new issues will come with the next stage as well.
the last week has been spent de-flea-ing the cats, poor things... hadn't even thought about shawns cats bringing in the damned awful insects, but i guess its par for having cats. so now i feel bad because they had to get frontline because of how ruthless the little bastards were. 2 baths and lavender spray later, i hadn't even put a dent into the population, so it was time to bring out the big guns. i hate having to put poison on my little babies!
right now i am hoping not to go post-dates, but it changes day to day. sometimes i feel like it would be really nice to have the extra time (those are the more comfortable days) some days i want this baby out now, like in the next 5 minutes now (usually this thought is followed by an emergency chiropractor trip). today i feel like i would be ok to go to 40 weeks, but might kill someone if i go a day over, so right in between i guess.
yeah, thats it for now, maybe i'll clean my mirror tonight so i can take a picture.