Monday, September 15, 2008

say cats?

siobhan made an entry about her kitties and they happen to be in bags.
my cats LOVE bags of any kind and will hide in them to ambush anything that walks across their path.

unfortunately, this also means that at times i have found them in trash bags or if i go to the bathroom while putting away groceries they end up hanging out with the food, usually at the foods expense.

anyway, here are a few bag pictures for you!

here we see Elwood getting in on the bag fun while my cats are fighting.
Elwood is our friend Shawn's cat, he hated bags when he first got here.

but was slowly convinced that they are the BEST THING EVER!

Buster realized i had the camera out, what a ham.

Dougy here, angry about the lack of food in the bag.

this is Buster's baking dish, this is where you can find him 90% of the time.
I need to get him a bigger casserole dish.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

giving up convenient transportation

so today craig promised to give back the rental, its just so expensive and we really dont need a car much right now. we especially dont need a $1000 bill for a car worth $0.28.
so looks like i will be going back to shopping at the grocery store a block from my house and going to the farmers market once a week. (not a bad thing, i just got spoiled with being able to cruise down to the store whenever i wanted)

i think i am going to go to the farmers market today, although the one over here by my house is pretty small and lame. i wonder if the hillcrest one is better?

i now am unable to sleep at night, it seems i dont get any real sleep until after 6 am, and i got about 8,000 phone calls this morning starting at 9am. so i'm a little tired today.

maybe getting out and walking around will help, its worth a try.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

31 weeks, had a midwife appointment today

i am now getting a visit from the midwives every 2 weeks, seems like a lot, but its how they do it.
everything was good and normal, baby's heartbeat in the 140's, fundal height normal, bp good, weight good, pee good, baby movement good.

so yeah, baby is doing great, i feel ok, little low on energy still but that is normal.
still cant seem to keep the house clean, really need to get better at that.
made some diapers and got others in the mail, still need to sew LOTS before the baby comes.

here's some pictures, as usual, the box that the diapers came in was the biggest hit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Holy Crap!

so, we have an opening date!

September 9th at 2pm we will be opening the doors to FIVE TWO TATTOO SHOP!

it may still be a bit undone, but everything will be in place to tattoo!

i thought this day would never come. thank fucking god.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yay, i feel capable tonight!

so i have been having it rough with energy levels and motivation lately, and i am so proud of myself tonight!
i have
-moved the box springs out to the alley (very awkwardly)
-watered the lawn
-washed prefolds
-started cleaning house
-put my list up on the blog
-put up the link to my registry

and i didnt really get out of bed until 6 so thats all in like 2 hours!

hopefully i can get the house clean tonight, or at least get the kitchen clean and laundry done.
maybe move some shit into my sewing room so i am not cornered in by fabric in my office!

oh and i got some awesome fabric in the mail today, that always helps when i dont feel good!

Monday, September 1, 2008

diaper making and 30 weeks pregnant

i got about 15 diapers cut out and ready to sew up, starting sewing tonight.
i'm tired all the time right now, and i cant sleep when i do lay down. never understood that before i got pregnant.

i'll update with pictures and a better entry later.