she can now grab things with one hand pretty well, but since she started rolling over she has not wanted to grab things anymore. i guess that happens, she is working so hard on perfecting rolling over that she doesnt want to do anything else! she got her daddy's focus i guess!
she rolls front to back and back to front now, she has been doing back to belly for about a month almost now but she just started rolling belly to back this week.
i bought her a big foam alphabet mat to roll around on and she loves it!
she has a little friend named elaine (lainey) who is 10 weeks old, they hung out yesterday, Zoey was mesmerized by her, it was so cute!
i'm getting the hang of being a mommy and i have started getting on a schedule which i have never done. Zoey really prefers a schedule and she is doing well with the structure.
we wake up at 9am, she has her first nap at 10am, i get some house work done, she gets up at 11am, we hang out with daddy, bring him to work at 12 or 12:30, she usually falls asleep in the car and sleeps until 1 or so. we hang out until about 4 then we both take a nap, get up around 5 sometimes she sleeps until 6, her bed time is 8 and i go to sleep around midnight.
she is still teething hard core, no teeth through yet, but the top ones are getting really close. i am using homeopathic remedies and cold teethers and she is doing alright with that, but sometimes they seem to really bug her, poor thing.
we got pictures done for grandma with her cousin natie, i am waiting to get the email with all of them, i'll post some when i get them.
hope everyone is doing well, off to make some lunch before zoey wakes up!
lots of love